Saturday, January 10, 2009

my life is so exciting, i could probably go to sleep.

Saturday has consisted so far of:

The Tudors
Buddy snugglins
eating (relatively healthfully)
Lipstick Jungle, thanks to (because the show is so bad, not even my DVR will record it when i ask it to)
Intervention, while drinking a glass of wine (is that wrong?)

...but the kicker...

bubble bath + same glass of wine from above + poetry (Carolyn Forché) + candles + music (Cat Power + Portishead) = could I be any more of a girl?

A good bath always gives me much needed perspective. Maybe it's something about my ears being under the water, which drowns out everything else clouding my judgment, or at least serves as a buffer from it for a little while. While my ears were under, I came up with a list of things I need to do (or things I was beating myself up about):

go back to the gym regularly, starting tomorrow (no greater motivation than taking a bath. Gross.)
stop moping about the dog
give the dog as much attention and affection as I can while I still can
stop spending money (because maybe then I could afford doggie chemo)
no more beer or wine
eat less
find a new job
pick up the phone once in a while
pick up a pen every day

I ended up pouring half a glass of wine down the drain.

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