Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My attempt to keep this blog as updated as my "real" one has failed miserably.

Since my last post here, I've decided to flee Atlanta and move to Texas. While I was visiting the family in Tulsa in May, I had to put Chester, the best dog ever, to sleep. A week later, I got a rebound dog. He's kind of a butthole, but I would feel awful taking him back at this point. Oh, the things we do in the midst of our grief. A day after I adopted this disaster of a rebound dog, I was hospitalized for a kidney infection. That was great fun, especially the 'seizures from high fever' thing. Now, all is back to normal, or as normal as it can be.

I'm looking around my apartment, trying to pick a place to start packing. I'd like to be as organized for this move as I was when I moved to Atlanta. To do that, I need to get back to my anal retentive, obsessively organized roots. My life needs to be in order. It's been chaotic for far too long.

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