Friday, January 9, 2009

Buddy update

Went to our regular vet today for staple removal, etc. Chester got a chest x-ray to see if his cancer has metastasized in his lungs. The vet pointed out some faint spots of something, and said that it may have spread slightly already, but those spots were so faint and uncharacteristic of cancer that it was difficult to say for certain.

She referred me to a cancer specialist at nearby super-serious pet illness clinic, and we have an appointment next week for a chemotherapy consultation. Not sure yet if that's the route I'm going to take with him, but it's something to look into and think about, depending on how much time it would give him v. what quality of life he'd have while undergoing chemo and afterward. Also, it will largely depend on whether or not I can afford the treatment (which I hate to even raise as an issue, but it is one).

So, there it is. Just some things to think about in the next several days.

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