Tuesday, January 13, 2009

hoooray, hockey tickets!

So, tonight at trivia, Bruce had several tickets for tomorrow's Thrasher's game to give away. The first set he wanted to give away were 4 seats together, and his plan was to give the tickets to whichever team got the Thrashers-related question right. Well, we *and* our arch nemeses ("Lawyers, Guns, and Money") got the question right, so he gave our teams two tickets each. The four of us (Russ, Bob, Kit, and myself) discussed who would like to use the tickets, but it wasn't really much of a discussion, as Kit and Russ both wanted to go to the Graveyard tomorrow for swing dancing instead. So, it looks like Bob and I are finally going on our "date"! :D Hahaha!

Thrashers game, here we come!

...Our date with 4 middle-aged guys who consistently beat the crap out of us at trivia (because their team won a second set of tickets later). Awesome. :) I've been wanting to go to a Thrashers game forever, so I'm actually really looking forward to it.

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